Inter-laboratories Comparison (ILC), what is it?
An Inter-laboratories Comparison is defined as follows : organization, execution and assessment of measurement
or tests on the same samples or similar samples by two laboratories or more, according to predetermined conditions (NF EN ISO/CEI 17043).
An Inter-laboratories Comparison can be classified in three entities:
- “Reference materials” which assign a consensual value to a characteristic of an item.
- “Performance method” which evaluate the accuracy (trueness and precision) of a measurement method or a test method.
- “Proficiency testing” which evaluate the ability of laboratories.
Participate, what for?
RAEMA (Réseau d’Analyses et d’Echanges en Microbiologie des Aliments) is a Proficiency testing.
Its goals are:
- Assessment and aftercare of laboratorie’s performances.
- Comparison of the laboratory’s results to those obtained by other participants.
- Highlight no-conform works in laboratories that lead to the setting up of corrective actions.
- Supply informations required for being confident in the fiability of the results, which is essential for laboratories, their customers and accreditation bodies.
- Keeping the accreditation of analysis laboratories. The standard NF EN ISO 17025 and the technical guide LAB GTA 59 order, to accreditaded laboratories,
a participation, twice a year, to a proficiency testing scheme.